CONTACT US TO ACHIVE BUSINESS SECCESS Our mission as a CONSULTANCY iS to help and accompany our clients in the business journey with the maximum professionalism and commitment, meeting the client needs within the legal guide. WHAT DOES ÀREA ACTIVA OFFER YOU? HELP, SUPPORT, ACOMPANIMENT, PROFESSIONALISM, CREATIVITY, ORIENTATION, INNOVATION, EXPERIENCE. ÀREA ACTIVA IS A CONSULTANCY its priority is to listen busines men concerns, help and accompany them at CREATING, GROW, EXPAND their business, or to improve their managment, restructure or develope new business models even improve a current running business. We will accompany you in the transfer process and sell of the business, so you won’t remember it as a difficult situation, as a hard moment but another phase of the business live, in wich the doors open to new opportunities.

After our long experience in the advice market, we think business need help in advice, suport, orientation, and proffesional knowledge, to face the different stages in the business world: START, GROW AND TRANSFER. Our great experience, inside the business area, since the early 2000’s allow us help you in all this processes. Are you an enterprenur, but you don’t know how to start?:

  • We will accompany and help you find the right business for you to became a great business man.
  • Would you like to transfer your business but want it to continue? We will help you find a successor.
  • Would you like to know the value of your business? CONTACT US.
  • If you want to expand your business but you don’t know how to do it, we will help and accompany you to succeed.
  • Would you like to implement digitization in your business? CONTACT US


    1. Business Models
    2. Business Plans
    3. Viability Plans
    4. Strategy Plans
    5. Financial Plans
    6. Due Diligence
    7. Advice to enterpreneurs
    8. Advice on expansion process, fusions


  1. Budget control
  2. Business guide
  3. Management Reporting
  4. Financial advise for your project